On June 6th, 1944,the American Supreme Commander, General Dwight David Eisenhower lead brave,allied forces on the "D-Day" invasion of Normandy Beach,while General David Sarnoff, the patriarch of RCA, provided the communications plan behind the bloody, daring attack that all but ended the war in Europe.
On May 22, 1958, these two storied and successful figures, Eisenhower,who went on to become the 34th President of the United States and ,Sarnoff, who lead the most advanced communications conglomerate of the mid-20th century, again collaborated to establish a new beachhead in modern, electronic media.
It was the day that RCA Color Videotape came to our nation's capital and to NBC television.
President Eisenhower traveled by motorcade from The White House, across Washington DC to the sprawling, low-slung facility shared by the NBC News Washington Bureau and network owned WRC TV/RADIO on Nebraska Avenue. The purpose of this Presidential appearance was to help Sarnoff, his company and its network subsidiary dedicate the building , which had just been completed, and to introduce this vibrant,video innovation to American television viewers.

It was a festive,but formal occasion with requisite speeches from NBC president Robert Sarnoff (one of David's son)and other dignitaries from the government, the network and its parent company, RCA.The president marked the occasion with oratory extolling the wonders of recorded programming that can be repeated across timezones, and preserved for years to come.
While shot LIVE and recorded in the Washington tape center, the Presidential event was also fed to NBC'S Burbank taperoom and recorded for national replay.

Sarnoff indicated in his remarks that two copies of the event would be made. One would be sent to the Library Of Congress and the other given to the White House for preservation.That second dub, according to THE QUAD GROUP WEBSITE, is now in the Eisenhower Library permanent collection.

Here, from the OLDTVHISTORY, YOU TUBE site is an excerpt from one of first recorded and longest surviving,color video tapes. Enjoy!!!!!
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